
The Author

I'm Matthew Vince, a web and application developer from Baton Rouge, LA. I've been at this for quite a while, all starting with my Very First Website ™ back in 1997. Since that time, I've outgrown WYSIWYG editors, graduated from LSU with a degree in Computer Science, and joined the American Workforce. I'm passionate about developing applications that are both simple to use and elegant in their structure. By day you can find me in Visual Studio doing ASP.Net MVC development for the State of Louisiana. Other times, I'm in Textmate or e (tried vim, should try again) doing Ruby or PHP development.

The Site

This site is built using jekyll. The fonts are from the Google Font API (Varela Round and Kreon). Some portions are from the HTML5 Boilerplate project. If you're curious, you can find the entire source of this website on Github. It's hosted with Linode and backed up to Amazon S3. Nothing fancy and RDBMS free.